Monday, November 27, 2006

Chocolate, chocolate everywhere

Our chocolate class has been working on a big Christmas display for our school. Unfortunately, our program doesn't have a lot of money, and the only molds we have are Easter-related--lots of bunnies and chickens. So we're making what our teacher refers to as a Barnyard Christmas display. I prefer to think of it as a Great Big Hoopty Barnyard Easter Christmas.

Oh, I can't wait to get pictures of this holiday pile-o-crap. We have a couple of big choc bunnies that will be painted, so they look like they are Santa & Mrs. Claus. There will be a gingerbread barn, and a cut-out rooster that is taller than the barn. There is a tabletop Christmas tree which we have made ornaments and packages for and which will, inexplicably, sit in the barnyard.

But my absolute favorite thing is a mold of the Eiffel tower. It's too big to be an ornament, but our teacher insists that we use it somewhere. Hmmm....where does an Eiffel tower fit into a Barnyard Christmas?

I think the monstrosity will be assembled later this week. I promise pictures the moment I can get them!