I was a little concerned that I might be committing myself to something I'm not ready for, but our GM wouldn't let me pipe a tiny chocolate disclaimer at the bottom of the plate.
My fabulous adventures in baking & pastry at culinary school (and beyond.)
I was a little concerned that I might be committing myself to something I'm not ready for, but our GM wouldn't let me pipe a tiny chocolate disclaimer at the bottom of the plate.
Oh sure, we have stockings...
and Santa in his sleigh...
but then we have bunnies dressed like Santa...(I made the reindeer!)
Easter eggs pretending to be some sort of Christmas egg...Do you see the white Liberty Bell with the red bow? Merry Independence Day! Look below that. It's the Eiffel Tower! Joyeux Noël!!
I love the gingerbread barn, but what the hell is that rooster about?
Merry Christmas!
Look at the shine this chocolate has. I am proud of how well-tempered it is!
I made all of the ones in the small box.
These are incredibly silky and creamy. They're every bit as delicious as they look! I want to make truffles every day.
At the end of our Cake Design class, we had lots of cakes in the freezer. The school will serve some of them at luncheons and other events, but we had way more than they could use, so our chef arranged for us to take some of the cakes to an assisted living facility. We talked to the residents about our program, about cakes and baking, and about what we have been doing in the class. Then we served our cakes. I have to say, I was amazed at those crazy cake-eating ladies! Everybody had at least one piece, some had 2 or 3, and at least one of the ladies tried all 6 cakes that we brought!
So, here are the cakes, starting with a Black Forest Torte:
I think my bear is gay:
Also, they are waaaaaaaay too sweet for me. Now, I love sweets, and I could eat sugar right out of the bag with a spoon, but I could only swallow one bite of one of these little gems, much to my surprise. I tried to eat another bite, and just couldn't do it.
In our Plated Dessert practical, we had to make Cappuccino Mousse in Chocolate Coffee Cups with Sambuco Cream. We made those before (see January 19), but this time each person had to make all the components for her dessert herself. I'm very proud of how mine turned out. It was dee-licious, and very pretty, even though I took the picture before I put the chocolate decoration on top.
And a view of the plate from the top.
Mmm...it tasted as good as it looks! The puff pastry was perfectly buttery and flaky, the filling was light and creamy, and the tart fruit and sauce were a perfect contrast.