Saturday, July 01, 2006

Figure piping

Thursday, we learned figure piping in my cake class. Our chef was out of town, so he left examples for us to follow, and we sort of had to teach ourselves. The animals were way harder than I thought, but I think they would look cute on cupcakes, if I practice them a little more.

I made a goofy-looking cat:

And a drunken alligator:

Does anybody else think this bunny looks demonic?

Poor sad puppy-dog:

I think my bear is gay:


ThePastryProphet said...

Okay! I lost it on the puppy and the bear.

Really good if this is your first time.

Laurie said...

Thanks, kitchen_kitten. It was definitely my first try!

Miz Flow said...

Just browsing the net and i came across your blog. Your bear comment totally cracked me up! I was feeling kinda poopy and reading your blog entry really put a smile on my face. Thanks!

Also, great animal piping for your first time! :)

Anonymous said...

I was surfing on the web, looking for a tutorial about how to make a bunny in figure piping, and I found your blog... it's a very interesting way to work that you have! Although they're not perfect, I did get the idea, and I'll try on my own :-D

nice blog ;-)