I made a goofy-looking cat:

And a drunken alligator:

Does anybody else think this bunny looks demonic?

Poor sad puppy-dog:

I think my bear is gay:
My fabulous adventures in baking & pastry at culinary school (and beyond.)
I think my bear is gay:
Okay! I lost it on the puppy and the bear.
Really good if this is your first time.
Thanks, kitchen_kitten. It was definitely my first try!
Just browsing the net and i came across your blog. Your bear comment totally cracked me up! I was feeling kinda poopy and reading your blog entry really put a smile on my face. Thanks!
Also, great animal piping for your first time! :)
I was surfing on the web, looking for a tutorial about how to make a bunny in figure piping, and I found your blog... it's a very interesting way to work that you have! Although they're not perfect, I did get the idea, and I'll try on my own :-D
nice blog ;-)
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