We made our sugar showpieces last night. Our kitchen was so humid, some of our components never actually dried. My classmates mostly had thicker pieces for their showpieces, so they could still get them put together, even with pieces melting. My showpiece was all flowers, and my beautiful thin petals melted before I could even assemble the flowers. What a huge disappointment!
I don't have a lot of great pictures, but here is one of my showpiece in the process of melting. The green vine-like support was supposed to be going
up, not
over. We propped it against the stockpot to try to keep it standing up, but it just kept stretching and sagging. I put the red shards to indicate where the flowers would have gone.

Here is a picture of one of my petals melting. Can you see the little puddle at the tip? That used to be a delicate thin spiral. I worked for hours, and made over a hundred petals for three big showy flowers.

Look at how my classmate's coral is melting. What a mess!

I made a beautiful sheet of bubble sugar, which completely melted onto the parchment.

I'm going to try to make the flowers again later. I wanted those flowers so bad! Maybe in the fall I can find a nice dry day.